1. A sitter to start with. Connect the 4 pictures.
2. In the Maurya dynasty, what did a Roopdarshak do for a living.
3. In the 18th century, wealthy visitors thoroughly enjoyed the mineral springs and baths in a village in South East Belgium near the German Border. What was the village called?
4. How does the popular pharmaceutical brand Disprin get its name?
5. He is a cartoon character created by Joanna Ferone and Sue Rose, first developed on a napkin in a restaurant in 1985. The character did not receive much popularity until early 1990s on various stationery products. He reappeared in 2000 and is now used on products, way different from stationery products. Who am I talking about?
Hope to see quick answers!!!
1. is the connect ORACLE
larry ellison,oracle of delphi so that is prbly the ruins of delphi and headquarters of ORACLE
3. SPA
4. asprin that dissolves in water.hence disprin
5.it is fido dido of 7up
by the way achyuth if u didn't recognise me ,this is abhiram.keep up the gud work
P.S.- i don't use google or wikipedia fr the answers
ok i'am taking a wild guess at question 2. a roopdarshak predicted the future
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